End of the Year Gifts: Student Taguls

11:30 AM

I always want to give my students something that they may potentially hold on to that is unique to them and they may want to use or display. Two years ago I stumbled upon this idea from The Polka Dotted Teacher.

Two years ago I gave each student a similar handout (this one is from  The Polka Dotted Teacher) that listed each student in the class and then they were also given a list of adjectives to describe each student,

it was then my responsibility to type and merge each student list in order to create each students individual Tagul... this took hours. So this year I change it up with Google Docs. 

Here is how I did this project this year
Part 1: Create a Google Form...  Student Objective Survey Example
1. Go to drive.google.com and log in with your Google/Gmail Account  
2. Select "Create" orangish/redish tab and select "Form" 
3. Title your form "____________ Class Student Adjective Survey" and select a template
4. Type in your first question to say "Name" and then for "Question Type" select "text" then check the box that says "Required question" then select the blue "Done" 
5. Select "Add Item" type "Place a "check" next to FOUR of your most favorite colors:", for "Question Type" select "Check Box" and then type in a few colors for students to choose from. I listed Orange, Yellow, Lime Green, Green, Forest/Dark Green, Turquoise, Light Blue, Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Pink, Red and Black. Check the box that says "Required question" then select the blue "Done"
6. Select "Add Item", leave the question blank and for the "Question Type" select "choose from list" now list the adjective that you would like your students to choose from, be sure they are all kind and the students know what they mean...I used this list to get me started from www.EnglishClub.com, once you have listed all the adjectives that you want select "Advanced Settings" and check "Shuffle option order" (this will prevent students from selecting the same adjectives over and over),  check the box that says "Required question" then select the blue "Done"
7. To save tons of time you are now going to duplicate the question from above (step 6) so that you don't have to type in the adjectives every time for each student. Hover over the question that you just created and in the top right corner you will see 3 icons appear, the first one is a Pencil (Edit), the second looks like Two Pieces of Paper (Duplicate) and the third is a Trashcan (Delete). You want to select the second icon that is the Two Pieces of Paper so that you duplicate the question. You are going to want to duplicate the question so that it equals the number of students you have.
8. Now go through each of these questions that you duplicated and make the "Question" each of your students names.
9. Go to "Send Form" top right corner of the page in blue, copy and paste the link and post it to your class website or somewhere so that students can easily click the link and take the survey themselves...

Part 2: Look at your results from Google Form and Creating the Tagul
1. Once everyone is done complete the survey log back into your Google Drive and click on "____________ Class Student Adjective Survey (Responses)" and something will come up that looks like a Excel Spreadsheet.
2. It was important to my partner teach and myself that each students Tagul  had some of the same items listed so we went in and inserted 5 rows and typed in both of our names, 5th Grade, AVCato and 2013-2014 and then copy and pasted into each students name column.
3. Go to www.tagul.com and "Sign Up" and then "Log In"
4. Select "CREATE NEW CLOUD" (you are now going to start making your clouds for each student) for "Cloud Name" type the students name
5. Select "Import Text" "Select All" and Delete what is listed, go the Google Spreadsheet and select your first students column including their name, "Copy" and then "Paste" it on the Tagul window you have open then select "Import Words"
6. Find their name and change it to be: Size: 100, Color: Black and “Select”, Angle: 45
7. Then go to the “Shapes” tab and hover over the square and select the “Customize” gear change the “Aspect ratio” to be as close as you can get to 1.35 (no big deal if it’s 1.29 – 1.39), select “Okay”
8. Click “Visualize” to make sure it looks okay
9. Click “ ü Save changes”
10. Go to the "Colors and Animations" tab and hover over the two colors arealdy there (blue and purple) and pres the "X" and then select the students favorite colors
11. Click “ ü Save changes”
12.Then go to the “Grab and Share” tab, on the “Raster image” select “PNG 1MP” and save in a folder in your documents or on your desktop
13. Then click the “My Clouds” tab to do the next students Tagul and repeat steps 4 - 12

Part 3: Print, Frame and Enjoy
1. Print in color as an 8x10.
2. Trim down to 8x10
3. Purchase 8x10 frames, I have always had the best luck at Dollar Tree
4. Before the students come into the classroom on the last day of school set them up on their desks and sit back and enjoy their reactions! 



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