ISTE Standards: Do I make the grade?!

7:14 AM

In Digital Leadership Academy for CISD we have been asked to give ourselves a grade for the ISTE Standards for Coaches  by using the NETS Profiency Rating  I am my worst critic, I have found myself being extremely harsh when assessing myself, I believe that right now I have earned a D: Beginning .  

As I step into my new role as Elementary Technology Coach I am having to evaluate where I am today and envision where I would like to be in the future, may that be tomorrow, next month or 3 years from now. I know that when making a plan you must always "Plan with the end in mind" but in complete honesty, is there really an end goal for technology integration? In order for me to help my colleagues I have to evaluate what knowledge I have and what knowledge I need to gain in order to be a leader for my teachers.

In what areas do I need to grow in order to be an effective technology coach for my teachers? 
1. Be Visionary: My first priority is to create a curriculum that teachers will use to aid in their core curriculum and then use Easy Tech as a supplemental resource. I want my teachers to utilize their computer lab time in a way that will maximize student success. Teachers will help students use technology in context instead of isolation.
2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment: I need to model for my teachers through professional development (blogging, video tutorials, team meetings and one-on-one professional development) the best practices of technology to reach academic excellence.
3. Digital Age Learning Environments: Help educators cultivate a technology rich environment that is facilitated by 21st Century Educators.
4. Professional Development and Program Evaluation: Though professional development I need to model how technology should be infused in lessons and help create course for teachers that will allow them to grow their (Personal Learning Network) PLN.
5. Digital Citizenship: Bridge classroom management and digital citizenship. Create a forum for which educators can develop norms for which students can participate appropriately with other learners globally.
6. Content Knowledge and Professional Growth: Continue to grow and participate in my PLN in order to stay educated on the best teaching practices.



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