Ending with Reflection and Beginning to Refract

12:46 PM

WARNING: This is my most scattered post to date. 

Over the past month I have been talking on the phone with my parents, venting to my husband, brainstorming with my PLN and doing a lot of worrying about where my career path was heading. The night before an interview I called my mom (who is a 6th grade teacher) to get advice and just share my thoughts/emotions/worries and she cut me off and said...

I was absolutely shocked. My mother The Queen of Worrying told her little Worrying Mentee to pull it together and stop worrying. From that moment on I have changed my mindset.

As this year closes out I just can't seem to find a clear ending as being a 5th grade classroom teacher and a clear start for my new position (Elementary Technology Coach). But honestly I am okay with it, the last thing I want is crying in front of my students on the last day of school and then walking into a new position on the following Monday. I am in a transition period and I am trying my hardest to do it gracefully (which if you know me... that's a difficult task).

My three years in the classroom have been incredible. I have had an amazing team with me and I have built relationships and friendships that are one of a kind. I have learned more about math and science than I did in all my years of school. I found out that I adore watching a student laugh, I love to hear them sing, I loathe to hear them complain or say "I don't get it" and I am envious of a 5th graders fearlessness. I wish I would have used more technology in my first 2 years and I also wish I would have let my students take more control. I will always be an educator and a learner.

I want to share my passion for learning with my peers and help them see the benefits of technology. Technology allows teachers and students to dig deeper into their learning process. My goal for myself and my district is that teachers and students become independent thinkers and problem solvers but also rely on their peers to support them.



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