"Tech"nically Teaching

8:44 AM

I have recently accepted the position of Elementary Technology Coach in my district. I am extremely excited but also overcome with a plethora of emotions about leaving the classroom. I have slowly started to pack up (and give away) items in my classroom but I wanted to document what has worked for me as a 21st Century Teacher.

I use this over the door shoe rack to store student headphones (we were able to get each student a pair from Dollar Tree as a motivation tool while doing STAAR review, they work well and have lasted for the past 2 months), BYOD (iPods, phones...) on Wednesdays and their class shirts so they are not lost at home.

I have my email address posted LARGE in my class for students to email me completed work or photos, this also helps with not having to spell my name 100 times a day. 

I keep a running list of what apps we use in the classroom.

Here are our BYOD procedures for the classroom. 

My Science Word Wall are QR links to Quizlet decks. 

All of my anchor charts are created digitally so that each student gets a miniature copy to glue in their journal and also so that I can post them on my website. 


  1. What awesome tools Jessica! Many of these ideas could be used in secondary classrooms as well. Thanks for sharing!



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