What is your brand?

12:21 PM

What is your brand?

No, I don’t mean are you a Coke or Pepsi person (even we all know Coke is the better choice). What I am asking is, when a student found out that they were going to be in your classroom for this school year, what do you think their reaction was? Was it, “Yes! I’m in Mrs. Batchko’s class she’s the funny, loud science teacher!”, “Awman! I’m in Mrs.Batchko’s class she’s always yelling and all I see kids do in her class is sit with papers infront of them!” How do you think the parents of your students reacted? “I’m glad they are in Batchko’s room I hear she’s strict but is a great teacher.” “I wonder if my child can switch rooms, I hear not much happens in Mrs. Batchko’s class and last year at field day I sure did see her on her phone a lot.” and lastly, What you think your peers thought about having you on their team? “I’m excited to have Batchko on our team she is a hard worker but seems to be pretty easy going and funny” or is it “Welp sounds like I am going to have to do a lot this year, Batchko is full of complaints, has a negative attitude and never wants to share her work.”

What do you want your brand to be? How do you want others to describe your style of teaching?

In my role as the Elementary Technology Coach I want teachers to know that I am approachable, that I am here to help them and their students succeed, that I am easy going but also extremely organized, that I talk fast but have no problem repeating myself or being told to slow down, that I am funny because education should be fun, that I am professional, that I am a mentor and a great listener but also know that I am a problem solver. I want teacher’s to be excited to plan with me and feed off my passion for education.

How do/will you communicate your brand?
  • Do you smile in the hallway? 
  • Do you greet your students at the door with a smile each morning? 
  • Do you send personal notes home to parents and students? 
  • Do you have an updated classroom website? 
  • Do send a newsletter home? 
  • Do you write personal thank you notes to parents, students and peers? 
  • What does your email signature look like? 
  • Do you have an updated photo outside of your classroom, on newsletters or posted on your webpage?
Now is the time to start building your brand, wouldn’t you rather be the one that starts it?

How-To Update your SharpSchool Teacher Webpage

Do you need help building your brand?
Go here to book an appointment with me.  



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