7/24 Technology PD: Video Conferencing

11:04 PM

Today in professional development you hopefully learned a few new tools and websites to help you initiate video conferencing into your classroom curriculum. Reflect on today and answer the following questions by responding in a comment below.

1. Today we talked about Skype, Distancing Learning, Google Hangouts and Face Time, which of these video conference mediums are you most comfortable with and the most likely to implement in your classroom? Why?

2. Can you already think of how you are going to implement video conferencing into your curriculum? Please elaborate. 

3. Is there anything you would like to know more about?


  1. 1. I am the most familiar with the Google Hangouts, but I will probably use Skype education because of the way that it is formatted.
    2. I plan to use Mystery Learning in Skype education as a method of teaching geography. The kids will be excited about geography!
    3. Where can I take my classes for distance learning? Christopher Keefer

  2. 1. I am the most comfortable with Skype Distance Learning and believe I can use this in my classroom because Skype will allow students see and learn about others from an actual person, not just a book.
    2. I would like to collaborate with a class in another part of the country so that students can learn about a region and culture that differs from their own.
    3. I would like to know more about the Skype lessons.

  3. I'm most comfortable with Skype. I like the fact that it's simple, easy to use, and I have some background knowledge.

    2. I think I can use this across the board anytime I want to flip a lesson. This can also be used to collaborate with other classrooms.

  4. Jessica, I love how you are asking for teacher feedback on your blog. This not only holds teachers accountable, but allows them to see what others are saying as well. Great job!



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