7/21 Technology PD Audiobooks and Read Alouds

4:02 AM

Today in professional development you hopefully learned a few new apps and websites to help expand your classroom audiobook library and our districts. Reflect on today and answer the following questions by responding in a comment below.

1. Today we talked about many recording apps and websites such as: www.recordmp3.org, Garage Band, Audacity and QuickVoice etc. Which of these recording mediums are you most comfortable with and the most likely to use in the future? Why?

2. How do you see yourself expanding your audiobooks/read aloud library in your classroom or using audio QR codes?

3. Is there anything you would like to know more about?


  1. I know about Audacity because I recorded a book chapter by chapter so I didn't have to read it every class period. If it is not cheating since we discussed it in this class, I will have my AP and NHS students record books for elementary kids and SPED kids. I want to learn more about everything then have time to use it. Like Kahoot.com - I really like it but will I really have the time when school starts to use it? Time and practice are not my friends during the school day.

  2. Looking at the recording apps and websites, I feel more comfortable with Garage band and can't wait to start building an audiobook library. I like that there are more than a few options to record on both the iPad and computers, but think I would use the iPad more because you can take it anywhere. I can see myself and my students creating more audiobooks throughout the year. I think I will be using itunes U in centers and small group. I think that I have been provided with a lot of information to work with and will continue to seek more info once I try this out.

  3. I will be using Audacity and Recordmp3. This applications will be useful for students to record themselves reading and to have a record of their progress. I will find volunteers and train them on how to record themselves reading so that I can expand my classroom library.

  4. Garage band or recordmp3.org both seem fairly easy to use. This will allow my students to record their readings and share with other students. Will be adding I-tunes university and QR code recordings. Become more proficient using recording apps and websites.

  5. 1. recording mp3
    2. I will be working with ap students, who will record books and passages on level for my students. They will work with this to help with fluency.
    3. Itune University, since it didn't work correctly.

  6. I know about audacity because I have used it on the ipad. I would like for my students to use recordmp3.org because it is the most kid friendly. My goal is to have all of my books on audio and have the students scan the QR code. I also want to use the QR code for the letter of the week. No, I learned a lot of things that I want to integrate into my classroom.

  7. Jessica, you have a great blog going here. I would encourage you to keep asking the questions and maybe follow up with a few in a month or so to hear about their successes and to help address any problems they might be experiencing.



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